Reflections on a Bucket List Week…SOON…

I have been absent.  I have so much bottled up inside that I need to write out and process.  So much I want to share.  I experienced an entire week of bucket list events every day.  I was a volunteer at the Evolution of Psychotherapy Conference in Anaheim, California.  This was a historic gathering of the greatest minds in my field.  They have it every 4 years.  I went with two of my classmates and it was incredible.  These legendary figures we read about in our textbooks, who have shared their wisdom in the form of research articles and books, were right there teaching us in person.  We learned at the feet of masters.

I met some of my biggest heroes including Dr. Judith Beck and Dr. Irvin Yalom.  I could probably write a book on the entire experience.  I want to write, I want to share, I want to process…

But I came back and immediately fell ill to a nasty head cold.  My energy is gone.  I’ve been a coughing, sniffling, sneezing blob.  At least I’m on break.  The sad truth of the matter is my brain is not up to the task of writing about this incredible event.  Not yet.  I need to feel better so that I can do it justice.  I have to be ready for the intense processing.

The experience included my first time flying, my first time seeing the Pacific Ocean, and even a trip to Disneyland.  When I signed up for this, I expected intense professional development.  I did not expect intense personal and spiritual development, but that’s what I got.  I chased a dream and tackled it.  And it feels great.  I’m still trying to figure out what it all means.

But until my body and mind are up to the task, I must hold off on the writing and continue my rounds of Mucinex, Albuterol, peppermint tea, and orange juice.

So here’s to tackling dreams.  If you get the chance.  Do it.

The Shadows of Your Soul

[[Inspired by my D&D character’s very complicated love life…]]

Looks like we’ll forever be a missed opportunity.

Cloaked feelings and careful words.

Longing glances and quiet dreams.

All wrapped up in uncertainty.

It was never clear with you and me.

Flirtatious words and a stolen kiss.

That one night of unbridled bliss.

But he was there and he loved you more.

He gave you his heart, when mine wasn’t ready.

I told myself that was okay.

He deserved you more anyway.

I stepped into the shadows of your soul.

Just to be near your blinding light.

The Owl

Ancient people called them wise.

It’s easy to understand.

Dark eyes looking down,

watching me watching him.

His feathers ruffle as he hoots.

He’s a Barred Owl.

Visiting my front yard.

Perched in a pine tree.

I crane my neck and stare up at him.

He cocks his head and stares back.

He hoots again.

Like he has a point to make.

As if his hoots are a lecture,

About some other time and place.

I think of druids gathering in sacred groves.

I think of ancient Greeks and Athena.

This large feathered creature,

Still staring back at me,

Watching with his own curiosity.

It’s easy to imagine,

that he has a purpose

to be where he is.

That there is meaning

in his presence.

He hoots again and bends down.

His wings spread and he glides away.

He meets his mate in another tree.

I watch them fly away together,

these beautiful wise creatures.

His hoots were not meant for me.

He was telling his love

about all the places they would see.

They flew into the horizon

to live their dreams.